So, if you follow me over on
twitter or
instagram, you might have already gathered that Nik and I have picked up and left Brooklyn for good! We have lived there for over a decade now, so it was a not an easy decision. It was a really long drawn-out process over the last few years of deciding where to move to (we considered Portland, Maine and Hudson, NY as the other top contenders), but in the end we both went back to our roots in Rochester, NY. I grew up in a small town 30ish minutes from there, and we both went to college at RIT (and that's where we met!) My family still lives here and Nik's parents are only two hours away (soo much closer than from NYC,) and with a baby on the way, we knew we wanted to be closer to everyone. So! Rochester it is! We came up here one weekend in March, looked at a million houses, and found "the one." Definitely luck that we managed to find a house we loved in one weekend, and that our offer was accepted. These past few months have been a bit of a whirlwind with house/mortgage stuff, but we finally made the move up here last week. Still unpacking/organizing, but I will share photos soon! It's a biiiig change going from the hustle-bustle of Brooklyn and the tiny apartment living, to a much smaller city with a big house to fill. I imagine the adjustment period is going to last awhile as we try to get back into some sort of normal routine. We're both working from home now too, which isn't a change for me, but definitely one for Nik. So far so good!
A few days ago, I escaped from unpacking and trying to organize things, and went out to Highland Park with my camera. Lilacs are my favorite and the Lilac Festival was always my favorite growing up and in college, so I had to go see them! They are *almost* in full bloom, but still so pretty!!
No color correction used! Mega pink! |