Leftover flowers from the baby shower last weekend! |
Sneak-peek at an illustration that will be in next year's calendar |
Sooo, sorry about that extended absence. I'm not quite sure where time has gone recently. Each week, I briefly think "hmm, I should blog," and then I forget that thought again until the next week. Life is busy and good! I'm up to my waist in planning new holiday things for my shop, while simultaneously trying to put together a nursery (and other rooms of the house...slowly...), and trying to have a little fun too. With baby girl due soon (9 weeks to go, eep!) it feels like every weekend is spent on one project or another. September is usually the start of the holiday season for my shop, so it will be interesting to see how that will go this year. I plan to shut down my shop for 3-4 weeks when she is born, to get our bearings, and will hopefully be able to open again sometime in October. That's the plan anyways!
I've weirdly had zero regrets about moving so far. It's definitely a different change of pace in upstate NY compared to Brooklyn, but we've adjusted pretty quickly. The only thing that really makes me sad-faced is not being able to just walk anywhere at anytime. There really isn't anything walkable from my house, in terms of coffee shops or restaurants, just residential neighborhoods. But hey, everything is a pretty quick 10-20 minute drive, so it isn't that bad.
My family threw me a baby shower this past weekend and a fun time was had. I'm usually one to shy away from events that put me at the center of attention, but it was a pretty laid back picnic with close family. NO STUPID GAMES! Hehe.
Okay, promise to share more tidbits soon. xoxo. -Michelle
Dill Flowers from my little deck garden. |
The start of the nursery... |