Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Friday!

Being a grumpy-pants

Long Cat

Happy Friday! This week flew by so fast, I've had trouble grasping what day of the week it has been. My kitty cat, Miles, recently was diagnosed with Diabetes, and I learned how to give him insulin shots the other day. It isn't as scary as I thought it was going to be. It's a really small amount of insulin with a tiny needle, so he doesn't even notice me sticking him. It's amazing how much his energy came back though! So happy! I missed my little guy over the last few weeks, and I'm glad that he is finally starting to act like his normal self again. Now here's hoping that he is one of the lucky diabetic cats that go into remission, so that he doesn't have to continue with shots forever. With the insulin he is on, a great deal of cats will go into remission within 1-4 months of taking it. I'm hopeful! 

It's been a weird year so far, with so many people I know and love having serious health problems. I'm amazed that I have stayed so positive. It's a good reminder to hug the ones you love and tell them so. Anyways, I hope you have a good weekend! I'll be staying in and working on putting together all the Fab orders I received (thank you!!) and finishing up a bunch of paintings (I'll show you more of those next week!) 



  1. Ahh glad Miles is starting to feel better!
    Give him a hug from me

  2. I'm glad Miles is on the mend. Being a sick kitty (or the mom of a sick kitty) is no fun at all! Miles looks a lot like our Chaos, who had bladder stones a few years ago but is perfectly healthy now on his expensive vet food!
