Monday, October 19, 2009

VeganMoFo Day 19-Lentil Burger and Mizuna Salad

Happy monday! Er, I hope it is, I mean. I had a knackering for a veggie burger the other day, and since I'm totally against boca burgers or their other frozen equivilants (those are NOT veggie burgers!), I make my own. I'm partial to using the VCON recipe for Black Bean burgers and just mixing up which beans I use and changing up the spices. Today I decided on lentil burgers, with a side salad using some of that lovely Mizuna I got in my CSA. And of course there are apples and pears on that salad, since my fridge is overflowing with them.

I have a few new things for my shop, either later on today or tomorrow. I'm finishing up my new holiday cards, some fun ornaments, and a few new prints. Hooray for productive weekends! I know, I know, it's only October, but I need to start applying to holiday craft shows and whatnot, so stock needs to be up. And not to mention all those crazies (i.e. smart people) who have already started their holiday shopping. Go all handmade gifts this year people! xoxo


  1. The burger and salad look really good. I love your graphics:)

  2. I always like your illustrations, but I especially like this one! The burger is so cute. Your real burger looks pretty great too.
